Who we are:
Congregation B'nai Israel's Brotherhood is open to all CBI members and is made up of men of all ages coming together to enjoy each other’s company, raise funds, and be of service.
Read the Letter from the Rabbi about the Brotherhood.
Why the Brotherhood exists:
Our mission is “to support and encourage Jewish spirituality, culture, values, brotherhood, youth, and Israel.” Ways we practice that include:
- Providing financial support for Kulanu (Religious School) and Confirmation Class activities and programs, and supplementing the Kulanu program with the first day of school picnic and other activities.
- Celebrating B’nai Mitzvahs with the gift of a Kiddush cup.
- Doing the mitzvah of ushering during the High Holy Days services and hosting the Yom Kippur Break-the-Fast meal.
- Sponsoring Achim, a men’s fellowship and study group led by our own Rebbetzen Dr. Glenn Hammel. (Achim schedule)
- Supporting various synagogue social action activities.
- Organizing fun and interesting events, activities, including gatherings at local sporting events, restaurants, and more!
Ongoing Events/Activities:
- Weekly game nights
- Blood drive
- Superbowl party
- Tu BiShvat habitat restoration
- Document shredding
- Tipsy Put
- Cigar party
- Wine tastings
- Movie/Theater gatherings
- Bike rides (both family and men's only)
- Hikes
- River Cats games
- Kings games
- Cooking contests
- and more!
Contact Us
For any and all questions, please email
Wed, March 26 2025
26 Adar 5785
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Programs & Events
Mar 28 Shabbat Evening Service Friday, Mar 28 7:30pm |
Mar 29 Torah Study Shabbat, Mar 29 9:30am |
Mar 30 |
Mar 30 B'nai Mitzvah Student Movie Hangout with Lilah Cassman Sunday, Mar 30 12:30pm |
Mar 31 |
This week's Torah portion is Parashat P'kudei
Shabbat, Mar 29 |
Erev Passover
Shabbat, Apr 12 |
Join Our Mailing List
Wed, March 26 2025 26 Adar 5785