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Chanukah Mitzvahkah 2023

Chanukah Mitzvahkah


Chanukah Mitzvahkah is a B’nai Israel tradition where we focus on the importance of giving rather than receiving. It’s an opportunity for us to come together and do a mitzvah for some of the most vulnerable in our community.
On the 6th night of Chanukah - Tuesday, December 12 at 6:00 PM in the Social Hall - we will light the menorah (don't forget to bring yours!), sing some Chanukah songs, play a little dreidel, eat some pizza and treats, make care packages of toiletries and personal items, and gather food for the unhoused and food insecure.  The Confirmation Class will be selling pizza dinners, or you can bring your own dinner!
There are different ways to be involved. Whether or not you plan to attend in-person, everyone is encouraged to make a contribution. Donations support the River City Food Bank in Sacramento.

Please complete the form below to let us know how you'd like to help.
Todah rabah!

River City Food Bank
River City Food Bank’s (RCFB) mission is to alleviate hunger in Sacramento County by providing healthy, emergency food and other assistance, offering referrals, and promoting self-sufficiency through a variety of support services.

Our programs serve low-income families, children, seniors, and medically fragile individuals, refugees/asylum-seekers, individuals experiencing homelessness, low-income households and individuals with disabilities. RCFB serves all people experiencing food insecurity regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age and background in Sacramento County (no zip code restrictions). In 2021, RCFB served more than 2.2 million pounds of food to 206,523 people facing hunger.

Please watch this video to learn more about RCFB.

Chanukah Mitzvahkah Participation Form
   $6 - Pizza Meal (one slice of cheese pizza, chips or salad, and non-alcoholic drink
   $3 - Single Slice of pizzaAll proceeds support the 2023-2024 Confirmation Class

Donations can be brought in that evening.  If preferred, donations can be dropped off before the program at B'nai Israel during office hours or during Kulanu.  Please contact our office if other arrangements are needed.

   Pouched tuna/chicken (or other canned meats) - 351 of 500 Left
   Canned meals (ravioli, chili, stew, soup) - 373 of 500 Left
   Canned fruits (pears, peaches) - 280 of 500 Left
   Instant Oatmeal - 134 of 500 Left
   Bars (granola, protein) - 42 of 500 Left
   Protein drinks - 248 of 500 Left
   Peanut butter (jars or packets) - 466 of 500 Left
   Toothbrush - 162 of 500 Left
   Toothpaste - travel sized - 64 of 500 Left
   Soap - travel sized - 200 of 500 Left
   Shampoo - travel sized - 100 of 500 Left
   Deodorant - travel sized - 356 of 500 Left
   Feminine hygiene boxes (tampons, pads) - 266 of 500 Left
   Diapers - any size
   Baby wipes

Our goal this year is 500 bags of personal items and 500 food items!

If you prefer to make a monetary donation to cover the costs of the items that need to be purchased, please enter in the amount below.

Items that will be purchased with monetary donations:
  • Canned meals (ravioli, chili, stew, soup) 
  • Canned fruits (pears, peaches) 
  • Bars (granola, protein) 
  • Protein shakes 
  • Peanut butter 
  • Soap - travel-sized 
  • Shampoo - travel-sized 
  • Deodorant - travel-sized -
  • Feminine hygiene boxes (tampons, pads)
Please indicate the donation amount.

Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784