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I Stand With Israel

Where to Donate

Messages from Kodesh v'Chol

Readings, Prayers, and Poems

Messages of Support

Additional Resources

Where to Donate

This is a partial list of worthy organizations for your charitable giving – Thank you

  • Support Kodesh v'Chol 
    Congregation B’nai Israel's sister community in Holon, Israel.
  • Jewish Federation of the Sacramento Region Fund | Fund to assist Sacramento’s Sister City of Ashkelon, Israel. 
  • Barzilai Medical Center | Barzilai is a hospital in Ashkelon, near Gaza, which is treating civilian victims and soldiers injured in combat. 
  • Jewish Federations of North America | Emergency Fund for Israel
  • Magen David Adom | Donate to support paramedics, EMTs, first responders, and first-aid providers on the ground in Israel. 
  • Friends of the IDF | Authorized to gather charitable donations to provide for the health, welfare, and education of the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces. 
  • NATAL | Israel Trauma Center for Victims of Terror and War | This Israeli organization offers mental health treatment around PTSD and other trauma related to war and terror. 

Messages from Kodesh v'Chol

Congregation B’nai Israel is proud to support our sister community in Holon, Israel. Founded in 2010, Congregation Kodesh v’Chol (for “holy & ordinary”) is a young, vibrant, and innovative community of over 150 families, serving a wider community population of over 150,000 people. 

Learn More & Donate

Readings, Prayers, and Poems

Messages of Support

Wednesday, October 11, 2023: President Biden delivers remarks on his unwavering support for Israel following the Hamas terrorist attacks, and his work to combat antisemitism. Second Gentleman Emhoff also delivers remarks.

Note: remarks from President Biden begin at 5:37 minute mark in video. 

If you would like to contact the White House to acknowledge their supportive response, please visit

Union for Reform Judaism

How You Can Support Israel During These Challenging Times

The worldwide Reform Movement is standing in solidarity and mourning with the people and State of Israel. We pray for an end to the war, healing for those injured, and the safe return of all those taken captive by Hamas. As we follow the developing news in Israel, we urge you to keep up to date on what we are doing and ways you can help.

Learn more

Friday, November 8, 2023: Finding common ground: Jewish, Muslim women’s group in Sacramento prays for peace in Israel-Hamas War.


Wed, March 5 2025 5 Adar 5785