Kulanu for Pre-K through 7th Grade
Kulanu (Religious School)
CBI's Religious School is committed to diversity and inclusivity. Our Judaica and Hebrew curriculum aim to enrich students' involvement in synagogue and Jewish life. As such, our programs appeal to a wide variety of learning styles, and incorporate kinesthetic, active learning alongside textbooks.
Sunday Kulanu (Religious School) and Tuesday Hebrew School
2024-2025 Annual Tuition:
K’tonton (Adult & preschooler) – $295 CBI Member / $330 non-Member
Pre-K–3rd and 7th grade – $505
4th–6th grades – $755
Registration Forms
All 2023-2024 students were automatically re-enrolled for 2024-2025.
New Students:
- K'tonton Register Here
- Kulanu | Pre-K through 7th grade Register Here
Congregation B'nai Israel believes that every child should be able to have a Jewish education. Click on the link below for scholarship information and application links.
Please note, membership is required for grades Pre-K – 7th. Click here to learn about membership.
To complete registration, these forms need to be submitted.
Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785