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Congregation B’nai Israel is led by our Clergy and Board of Trustees.

The Board of Trustees is an elected body of CBI members who manage the general operations
of the synagogue and ensure that the spiritual, educational, financial,
and other congregational needs are being properly met.

Comprised of volunteers who are dedicated to improving CBI, the Board of Trustees
is a microcosm of our community, representing virtually every aspect of our congregation.

Learn about BOard responsibilities HERE


All members of Congregation B'nai Israel are welcome to attend any regular Board of Trustees meeting. If you have a matter to be brought before the Board, please contact the CBI President to discuss in advance of the meeting. If you wish to learn what is happening at the Board of Trustees meetings you can also view the Board of Trustees monthly meeting minutes

To contact our board or committee members, please login to your account and search for their email. 

2024–2025 Board Members

Executive Committee

Jay Schenirer, President

Ted London, President Elect

Josh Mastronarde, Immediate Past President

Daniel Kaufman, Vice President, Finance

Terri Gaines, Vice President, Facilities

Margaret Gladstein, Vice President, Administration

Davita Levin-Robinson, Vice President, Membership

Rachel Stern, Vice President, Education

Bendan Blue, Chief Financial Officer

Judy Heiman, Secretary


Trustees at Large

Dee Barankin

Lisa Brodkey

Hellan Roth Dowden

Hailey MacNear

Beth Malinowski

Phil McAllister

Deborah Miller-Froh

Jeffery Rosenhall

Jay Roth

Sue Schooley

Nicholas Zoffel


By Virtue of Office

Sandy Lee, Women of B’nai Israel

Sean Rubenstein Ward, Brotherhood President

Nessa Weiner, BISY President

Tim Zeff, General Counsel

Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785