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Yahrzeit – The Anniversary of a Loved Ones Death


Zichronam Livracha, may their memories be for a blessing.


Yahrzeits are observed on the nearest Sabbath following the date of death.


Ha-ma-kom y’na-chem et-chem, b’toch sh’ar a-vei-lei Tzi-yon Vi-ru-sha-la-yim.

“May God comfort you among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.”


Yizkor Book of Remembrance

The word ‘Yahrzeit’ is Yiddish and is translated to mean “time of year.” In Judaism, there is a focus on carrying on the memory of those before us from generation to generation. Based on Jewish law, the Yahrzeit is the day one year following the death of a loved one as calculated in accordance with the Hebrew calendar.

This remembrance is performed annually by reciting the Mourner’s Kaddish and burning a Yahrzeit candle for 24 hours. Remembrances also take place at Yizkor services on Yom Kippur and the three pilgrimage festivals (Passover, Shavuot, and Sukkot). It is customary to mark each Yahrzeit by giving tzedakah in memory of our beloved.

Please login and visit your personal account to manage your family's Yahrzeit list. Congregation B'nai Israel will notify you by mail several weeks in advance of an upcoming Yahrzeit observance. To receive Yahrzeit letters by email, please click HERE.

To dedicate a memorial plaque to a loved one at Congregation B'nai Israel, please  complete the Online Form or use the Memorial Plaque (Yahrzeit) Order Form and return it to the temple office.

Here are some frequently asked questions that will help shed light on our process at B'nai Israel:

When are Yahrzeits honored at CBI?  
Names of departed loved ones are read at Shabbat evening services on Friday and at Saturday morning services. We also read names of anyone who died in the previous year at the Yom Kippur Yizkor Service.

I don't think I received my reminder letter. When do they get sent out?                   Hardcopy letters are mailed out generally a month prior to the yahrzeit day. To receive your letters by email, please click HERE.

I am a new member, how will the synagogue know about past deaths in my family?                                  
Yahrzeit information is requested on the information form required for membership. You can also manage this information on your ShulCloud account.

I am going to be away at the time my Grandmother's name will be read at services. What can I do not to miss it?                                
You are encouraged to email the office here, to have the name read at a different service when you are able to attend and say kaddish with your community.  

In what ways can I observe Yahrzeit at home?                                                                      It is customary to light a Yahrzeit candle on the anniversary of a death. Yahrzeit candles are also known as yizkor candles, because they are also lit on behalf of loved ones on the four Jewish holidays (Yom Kippur, Shemini Atzeret, Passover, and Shavuot) that include a Yizkor, or Jewish memorial service. These candles can be purchased at our Judaica shop.  Many supermarkets carry them as well. The candle is lit the evening before and burns for 24 hours. Making a donation to the synagogue in increments of 18 (Chai) $18/$180, $36/$360, etc. is also customary.
Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785